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- /*
- * MBUTIL.C - 9/08/92 - Utility functions.
- */
- #include "mb.h"
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- #include "samapi.h"
- #endif
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- extern char tmpstr[];
- extern short debug;
- #endif
- static char *onoff[2] = { "off", "on" };
- /*
- * ! Command: Do DOS command ...
- */
- dosys()
- {
- strcpy(tmp->scr, port->line + 2);
- remnl(tmp->scr);
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if (system(tmp->scr)) perror("Error");
- #else
- /* Workaround MANX problem */
- if (do_system(&tmp->scr[0])) perror("Error");
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Sort utility.
- * base is the start of the array of items.
- * n is the number of items.
- * w is the item size.
- * t is scratch space the size of one item.
- */
- sort(base, n, w, t)
- char *base;
- int n;
- int w;
- char *t;
- {
- register int i;
- register int j;
- register int g;
- char *p1, *p2;
- for (g = n/2; g; g /= 2)
- for (i = g; i < n; i++)
- for (j = i - g; j >= 0; j -= g)
- {
- p1 = base + (w * j);
- p2 = base + (w * (j + g));
- if (strncmp(p1, p2, w) <= 0) break;
- memcpy(t, p1, w);
- memcpy(p1, p2, w);
- memcpy(p2, t, w);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Return number of days between two dates.
- */
- ddiff(fr, to, flag)
- char fr[], to[];
- int flag;
- {
- register int d=0;
- static short dpm[13] =
- { 0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
- if(flag)
- d = 365 * (10 * (to[0] - fr[0]) + to[1] - fr[1]);
- d += (dpm[10 * (to[2] - '0') + to[3] - '0'] -
- dpm[10 * (fr[2] - '0') + fr[3] - '0']);
- d += 10 * (to[4] - fr[4]) + to[5] - fr[5];
- return d;
- }
- /*
- * Wild card match of callsigns with ? and * in first arg.
- */
- wcm(s1, s2)
- char *s1, *s2;
- {
- register short l;
- if (*s1 is '*') if (matchn(s2, cport->user->call, ln_call)) return false;
- for (l = 0; l < ln_call; l++, s1++, s2++)
- {
- switch(*s1)
- {
- case '*' : return true;
- case '!' : if (!isdigit(*s2)) return false;
- case '?' : break;
- default : if (*s1 isnt *s2) return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * Save remote sysop command, for later execution.
- */
- savecmd()
- {
- strcpy(scmd, port->line);
- s_param setbit s_cmd;
- port->msg = mdone;
- }
- /*
- * EP command: change port parameters.
- */
- edport()
- {
- register PORTS *p;
- register int i;
- if ((p = findport(*port->fld[1])) is NULL) { port->msg = mnport; return; }
- sprintf(tmp->scr, "Change parameters for port %c, %s\n\n", p->id, p->name);
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- while (true)
- {
- outstr("Bbs Down Up Gate Illegal Monitor Remote Xparent 1 2 3 Time Cdigi Fwd Error\n");
- sprintf(tmp->scr,"%c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c %-3d %d %-2d %d\n",
- (p->priv & p_bbs)/p_bbs +'0',
- (p->priv & p_dnload)/p_dnload +'0', (p->priv & p_upload)/p_upload +'0',
- (p->priv & p_gate)/p_gate +'0', (p->priv & p_ilcal)/p_ilcal +'0',
- (p->priv & p_mon)/p_mon +'0', (p->priv & p_sysop)/p_sysop +'0',
- p->tmode +'0',p->ecmon +'0', p->ecuser +'0', p->eccmds +'0',
- p->ctime, p->ndigi, p->fwdmin, p->errmax);
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- getcmd();
- if (port->mode & gone) return;
- i = atoi(port->fld[1]);
- switch(port->opt1)
- {
- case 'B' : p->priv flipbit p_bbs; break;
- case 'C' : p->ndigi = i; break;
- case 'D' : p->priv flipbit p_dnload; break;
- case 'E' : p->errmax = i; break;
- case 'F' : p->fwdmin = i; break;
- case 'G' : p->priv flipbit p_gate; break;
- case 'I' : p->priv flipbit p_ilcal; break;
- case 'M' : p->priv flipbit p_mon; break;
- case 'R' : p->priv flipbit p_sysop; break;
- case 'T' : p->ctime = i; break;
- case 'U' : p->priv flipbit p_upload; break;
- case 'X' : p->tmode = 1 - p->tmode; break;
- case '1' : p->ecmon = 1 - p->ecmon; break;
- case '2' : p->ecuser = 1 - p->ecuser; break;
- case '3' : p->eccmds = 1 - p->eccmds; break;
- default : if (!port->opt1) return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * ES command: change system parameters.
- */
- chgparam()
- {
- register int i;
- while (true)
- {
- outstr("Bell Kill F&B-kill Svc-msg\n");
- sprintf(tmp->scr, "%c %c %c %c\n",
- (s_param & s_page)/s_page+'0', (s_param & s_kill)/s_kill+'0',
- (s_param & s_fkill)/s_fkill+'0', (s_param & s_svc)/s_svc+'0');
- outstr(tmp->scr);
- getcmd();
- if (port->mode & gone) return;
- switch(port->opt1)
- {
- case 'B' : s_param flipbit s_page; break;
- case 'F' : s_param flipbit s_fkill; break;
- case 'K' : s_param flipbit s_kill; break;
- case 'S' : s_param flipbit s_svc; break;
- default : if(!port->opt1) return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Screen paging.
- */
- char *pausemsg;
- static char *pghdr = NULL;
- static short lnmax;
- static short lncnt;
- /*
- * If local console, pause until user types a character.
- * Return the character.
- * If not local console, just return a blank.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- char pause()
- {
- register char t;
- if (port->user->state & u_pause) return ' ';
- if (!pt_flag and ((port->mode is local) or (port->opt1 is 'L')))
- {
- prtx(pausemsg);
- if (port->mode isnt local)
- {
- outchar('\n');
- while (!getdat());
- t = *port->line;
- }
- else
- {
- t = inchar();
- outchar ('\n');
- }
- return toupper(t);
- }
- return ' ';
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Start screen paging.
- */
- pgst(cp)
- char *cp;
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if ((pghdr = cp) is NULL) lnmax = 23; else lnmax = 22;
- lncnt = lnmax;
- #else
- lnmax = lncnt = 22;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Pause if full screen.
- */
- char pgck()
- {
- if (--lncnt) return ' ';
- lncnt = lnmax;
- return pause();
- }
- /*
- * Display header if at top of screen.
- */
- pghd()
- {
- if (lncnt is lnmax) if (pghdr isnt NULL) outstr(pghdr);
- }
- /*
- * Pause if required at last line.
- */
- pgdn()
- {
- if (lncnt isnt lnmax) pause();
- }
- /*
- * Display "no such file" message, and file name.
- */
- nofile(c)
- char *c;
- {
- prtx(mnfile); outstr(c); outchar('\n');
- }
- /*
- * Memory allocation problem, just plain quit.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- errall()
- {
- outstr("Not enough memory\n");
- exit (0);
- #else
- errall(i)
- int i;
- {
- printf("Not enough memory - %d\n",i);
- done(1);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Is this a callsign?
- */
- iscall(c)
- char *c;
- {
- register short i, ld, nd;
- nd = 0;
- for (i = 0; (i < ln_call) and (*c isnt ' '); i++, c++)
- {
- if (ld = isdigit(*c)) nd++;
- }
- return ((i > 3) and ((nd is 1) or (nd is 2)) and !ld);
- }
- /*
- * Print list of ports and port names.
- */
- shports()
- {
- register PORTS *p;
- sprintf(port->line, "Use %c and port ID:\n", port->opt1);
- outstr(port->line);
- for (p = porthd; p isnt NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- sprintf(port->line, "%c%c %s\n", port->opt1, p->id, p->name);
- outstr(port->line);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Return pointer to port with id pid, or NULL.
- */
- PORTS *findport(pid)
- char pid;
- {
- register PORTS *p;
- for (p = porthd; p isnt NULL; p = p->next) if (p->id is pid) return p;
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Is it?
- */
- iseof(cp)
- char *cp;
- {
- return match(cp, "*** EOF\n");
- }
- /*
- * Remove new line and control characters from end of string.
- */
- remnl(p)
- char *p;
- {
- for (; *p; p++)
- {
- if (*p is '\n') { *p = '\0'; return; }
- if (*p < ' ') *p = ' ';
- }
- }
- /*
- * Parse a callsign.
- * Blank pad the output field, remove trailing ssid from call.
- * Return the SSID.
- */
- pcall(c, p)
- char *c;
- char *p;
- {
- register short i;
- /*
- * Blank fill the target buffer.
- */
- fill (c, ' ', ln_call);
- /*
- * Ignore leading spaces.
- */
- while (*p and (*p is ' ')) p++;
- /*
- * Copy the call from the string into the call buffer.
- */
- for (i = ln_call; i and *p; i--)
- {
- if (*p <= ' ') return 0;
- #ifdef MCH_AMIGA
- /* handle strange things from the KAM */
- if(*p == '/')return 0;
- #endif
- if (*p is '-') return atoi(++p);
- if (*p is '.') return 0;
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- *c++ = *p++;
- #else
- *c++ = toupper(*p++);
- #endif
- }
- if (*p++ is '-') return atoi(p); else return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Is the string a number?
- */
- num(p)
- char *p;
- {
- for (; *p; p++) if (!isdigit(*p)) return false;
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * "Output, no blanks".
- */
- outnb(p, n)
- char *p;
- short n;
- {
- while (n--) switch (*p)
- {
- case ' ' :
- case '\n' :
- case '\0' : return;
- default: outchar(*p++);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Print a number right justified in a fixed width field.
- */
- outnr(i, n)
- int i; /* The number to print */
- short n; /* Field width */
- {
- char num[7];
- sprintf (num, "%-6u", i);
- outnb (num, n);
- }
- /*
- * Display software version.
- */
- prtver()
- {
- outstr(ver);
- }
- /*
- * Print multi-line message.
- */
- prtm(m)
- MLM *m;
- {
- register MLM *p;
- for (p = m; p isnt NULL; p = p->next) prtx(p->text);
- }
- /*
- * Print a string, expanding the "$" fields.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- prtx(p)
- char *p;
- {
- for (; *p; p++)
- {
- if (*p isnt '$') outchar(*p);
- else switch (*(++p))
- {
- case 'A' : outnb(port->mmhs->bbs, ln_call); break;
- case 'B' : outchar(port->mmhs->type); break;
- case 'C' : outnr(mfhs->next_msg, 5); break;
- case 'D' : outstr(l_date); break;
- case 'E' : outstr(port->mmhs->title); break;
- case 'F' : outstr(port->lport->name); break;
- case 'G' : outnb(port->mmhs->to, ln_call); break;
- case 'H' : p++; break;
- case 'I' : outnb(port->user->handle, ln_handle); break;
- case 'J' : outnb(port->mmhs->date, ln_date); break;
- case 'K' : outnb(port->mmhs->time, ln_time); break;
- case 'L' : outnr(mfhs->next_msg - 1, 5); break;
- case 'M' : outnr(port->mmhs->number, 5); break;
- case 'N' : outnr(mfhs->count, 4); break;
- case 'O' : outnb(cport->user->call, ln_call); break;
- case 'P' : outnb(port->mmhs->from, ln_call); break;
- case 'Q' : outstr(qth); break;
- case 'R' : outnb(port->rcall, ln_call); break;
- case 'S' : outnb(port->lport->user->call, ln_call); break;
- case 'T' : outnb(l_time, ln_time); break;
- case 'U' : outnb(port->user->call, ln_call); break;
- case 'V' : outstr(ver); break;
- case 'W' : outnb(port->lport->user->handle, ln_handle); break;
- case 'X' : outnb(port->user->date, ln_date); break;
- case 'Y' : outnb(port->user->time, ln_time); break;
- case 'Z' : outnr(port->user->msg_number, 5); break;
- case 'a' : outstr(orgbbs); break;
- case 'h' : outstr(port->mmhs->call); break;
- case 'j' : outstr(orgdate); break;
- case 'k' : outstr(orgtime); break;
- case 'm' : outstr(orgmsg); break;
- default : outchar(*p);
- }
- }
- }
- #else
- /* Faster version of prtx. One char at a time is really painful! */
- /* Make sure that if prtx changes in later versions this version is
- also changed!!!!!
- This routine uses tmpstr to build up the string. Therefore there can
- be no other use made of tmpstr (e.g. for debugging).
- There's also a mod for fbb so that if there's a LF in the string it is
- mapped into CR/LF and also the string is left in tmpstr and not written
- out to the TNC.
- */
- extern char fbb_flag = 0;
- unsigned char *op;
- prtx(p)
- unsigned char *p;
- {
- register unsigned char *ip;
- register PORTS *pp;
- pp = port;
- op = (unsigned char *) &tmpstr[0];
- for(ip=p; *ip; ip++) {
- if(*ip isnt '$') {
- if(fbb_flag && (*ip == '\n'))*op++ = '\r';
- *op++ = *ip;
- }
- else switch (*(++ip)) {
- case 'A':
- /* For FBB WE MUST put out a BBS. So if there isn't one in the
- header then make it the bbs we are forwarding to
- */
- if(fbb_flag) {
- if(*pp->mmhs->bbs == ' ') {
- xoutnb(pp->user->call,ln_call);
- break;
- }
- }
- xoutnb(pp->mmhs->bbs, ln_call);
- break;
- case 'B' : *op++ = pp->mmhs->type; break;
- case 'C' : xoutnr(mfhs->next_msg, 5); break;
- case 'D' : xoutstr(l_date); break;
- case 'E' : xoutstr(pp->mmhs->title); break;
- case 'F' : xoutstr(pp->lport->name); break;
- case 'G' : xoutnb(pp->mmhs->to, ln_call); break;
- case 'H' : ip++; break;
- case 'I' : xoutnb(pp->user->handle, ln_handle); break;
- case 'J' : xoutnb(pp->mmhs->date, ln_date); break;
- case 'K' : xoutnb(pp->mmhs->time, ln_time); break;
- case 'L' : xoutnr(mfhs->next_msg - 1, 5); break;
- case 'M' : xoutnr(pp->mmhs->number, 5); break;
- case 'N' : xoutnr(mfhs->count, 4); break;
- case 'O' : xoutnb(cport->user->call, ln_call); break;
- case 'P' : xoutnb(pp->mmhs->from, ln_call); break;
- case 'Q' : xoutstr(qth); break;
- case 'R' : xoutnb(pp->rcall, ln_call); break;
- case 'S' : xoutnb(pp->lport->user->call, ln_call); break;
- case 'T' : xoutnb(l_time, ln_time); break;
- case 'U' : xoutnb(pp->user->call, ln_call); break;
- case 'V' : xoutstr(ver); break;
- case 'W' : xoutnb(pp->lport->user->handle, ln_handle); break;
- case 'X' : xoutnb(pp->user->date, ln_date); break;
- case 'Y' : xoutnb(pp->user->time, ln_time); break;
- case 'Z' : xoutnr(pp->user->msg_number, 5); break;
- case 'a' : xoutstr(orgbbs); break;
- case 'b': xoutnb(pp->mmhs->bid,ln_bid); break;
- case 'h' : xoutstr(pp->mmhs->call); break;
- case 'j' : xoutstr(orgdate); break;
- case 'k' : xoutstr(orgtime); break;
- case 'm' : xoutstr(orgmsg); break;
- case 's': xoutnr(pp->mmhs->size); break;
- default : *op++ = *ip;
- }
- }
- *op = 0;
- if(!fbb_flag)outstr(&tmpstr[0]);
- }
- xoutstr(s)
- unsigned char *s;
- {
- while(*s)*op++ = *s++;
- }
- /*
- * "Output, no blanks".
- */
- xoutnb(p, n)
- char *p;
- short n;
- {
- while (n--) switch (*p)
- {
- case ' ' :
- case '\n' :
- case '\0' : return;
- default: *op++ = *p++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Print a number right justified in a fixed width field.
- */
- xoutnr(i, n)
- int i; /* The number to print */
- short n; /* Field width */
- {
- char num[7];
- sprintf(num,"%-6u",i);
- xoutnb (num, n);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Write random record.
- */
- write_rec(fid, rec, buffer)
- int fid;
- int rec;
- char buffer[];
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- long lseek();
- #endif
- long offs;
- offs = (long)rec * (long)RECSIZE;
- lseek(fid, offs, 0);
- return (write(fid, buffer, RECSIZE) is RECSIZE);
- }
- /*
- * Read random record.
- */
- read_rec(fid, rec, buffer)
- int fid;
- int rec;
- char buffer[];
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- long lseek();
- #endif
- long offs;
- offs = (long)rec * (long)RECSIZE;
- lseek(fid, offs, 0);
- return (read(fid, buffer, RECSIZE) is RECSIZE);
- }
- /*
- * Fill buffer with characters from the current input,
- * until CR or buffer overflow. Terminate buffer with
- * '\0', thus making it a string.
- * Translate \r to \n.
- * Ignore \n.
- * Deal with backspace and things like that.
- * Set flags for timeout and disconnect.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- getdat()
- {
- register char *cp;
- register PORTS *p;
- register char ch;
- p = port;
- if (p->flags & p_dotmr)
- {
- if ((p->mode & idle) and (p->dev is p_tnc)) settmr(&p->itime, 2);
- else settmr(&p->itime, p->ctime);
- }
- p->flags setbit p_dotmr;
- cp = p->line;
- while (true)
- {
- while(!instat())
- {
- if (p isnt cport)
- {
- ioport(cport);
- if (instat())
- {
- ch = inchar();
- if (ch is achar)
- {
- p->mode = forced;
- ioport(p);
- return true;
- }
- if (ch is tchar)
- {
- p->flags setbit p_opreq;
- ioport(p);
- return true;
- }
- }
- ioport(p);
- }
- if (p->flags & p_trans)
- if (!isdcd())
- {
- if (!(p->mode & idle)) p->mode = discon;
- return true;
- }
- if (!chktmr(p->itime))
- {
- *cp = '\0';
- if (!(p->mode & idle)) p->mode = timeout;
- return true;
- }
- }
- *cp = inchar();
- /*
- * Got a character, deal with it.
- */
- if ((cp is (p->line + linelen - 2)) or (*cp is '\r'))
- {
- /*
- * Got a whole line. Either buffer full, or character is CR.
- */
- if (*cp is '\r') *cp = '\n';
- cp++; *cp = '\0';
- if (p->flags & p_echo) outchar('\n');
- if (!(p->flags & p_trans))
- {
- if (isdis(p->line))
- {
- if (!(p->mode & idle)) p->mode = discon;
- return true;
- }
- if (isretry(p->line)) return false;
- if (isreq(p->line))
- {
- p->flags setbit p_req;
- pcall(p->rcall, p->line + 20);
- p->flags clrbit p_dotmr;
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * Not end of line.
- * Stuff the character in the buffer.
- * Handle some control characters. Ignore some.
- */
- switch(*cp)
- {
- default : if (p->flags & p_echo) outchar(*cp); cp++; break;
- case '\b' :
- if (cp > p->line) { cp--; if (p->flags & p_echo) outstr("\b \b"); }
- break;
- case '\n' : if (cp is p->line) { *cp = '\0'; return false; }
- case '\0' : ; /* Ignore most ctl char */
- case ctl_c: ; /* Ignore most ctl char */
- case ctl_v: ; /* Ignore most ctl char */
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Is the string a header line?
- */
- ishead(p)
- char *p;
- {
- if (!*p or (*p is '\n')) return false; /* end of headers */
- if (matchn(p, "R:" ,2)) return true;
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * Parse a command line.
- *
- * Input: Line of text in port->line.
- * Returns: Fields are placed in port->cmd.
- * Fields are pointed to by port->fld[].
- * port->flds is set to the number of fields found.
- * Each field is null-terminated.
- * Fields beyond maxflds are ignored.
- */
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- parse()
- {
- register short bl;
- register char *in, *out;
- for (port->flds = 0; port->flds < maxflds;)
- port->fld[port->flds++] = nullstr;
- in = port->line;
- out = port->cmd;
- bl = false;
- port->flds = 0;
- while (*in and (port->flds < maxflds) and (out < (port->cmd + cmdlen - 1)))
- {
- *out = toupper(*in);
- if (bl)
- {
- if ((*in <= ' ') or ((*in is '@') and (port->flds is 2)))
- {
- bl = false;
- *out = '\0';
- if (*in is '@')
- {
- out++;
- *out = '@';
- port->fld[port->flds++] = out++;
- *out = '\0';
- }
- }
- out++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (*in > ' ')
- {
- bl = true;
- port->fld[port->flds++] = out++;
- if ((*in is '@') and (*(in+1) > ' '))
- {
- bl = false;
- *out++ = '\0';
- }
- }
- }
- in++;
- }
- *out = '\0';
- port->opt1 = *port->fld[0];
- port->opt2 = *(port->fld[0] + 1);
- if (!port->opt2) port->opt2 = ' ';
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Bundle getdat and parse.
- */
- getcmd()
- {
- while(!getdat());
- parse();
- }
- /*
- * Fill some memory with a character.
- */
- fill(adr, ch, len)
- char *adr;
- char ch;
- int len;
- {
- while (len--) *adr++ = ch;
- }
- /*
- * Copy C string to LJSF string.
- */
- ljsf(to, from, size)
- char *to;
- char *from;
- int size;
- {
- fill(to, ' ', size);
- while (size--)
- {
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- if (*from < ' ') return;
- #else
- /* My code in the FBB routines requires that ljsf treats a blank as the end
- of the string (which it is)
- */
- if (*from <= ' ') return;
- #endif
- *to++ = *from++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Copy LJSF string to C string.
- */
- unbl(to, from, size)
- char *to, *from;
- int size;
- {
- while (size--)
- {
- if (*from <= ' ') { *to = '\0'; return; }
- *to++ = *from++;
- }
- *to = '\0';
- }
- /*
- * Are you sure? .....
- */
- sure()
- {
- outstr("Are you sure (Y/N)?\n");
- while (!getdat());
- if (toupper(*port->line) is 'Y') return false;
- return true;
- }
- /* Search string for match */
- search(a,b,c)
- char *a, *b;
- int c;
- {
- for( ; *a; a++)
- if (matchn(a, b, c)) return true;
- return false;
- }
- #ifndef MCH_AMIGA
- /***********************************************************
- * findcall additions for Sam Lookup.
- * returns if error, Displays call if call found
- ***********************************************************/
- int LocateSam(void);
- int CallSam(int cmd, void far *cmdbuf, void far *rspbuf);
- void display_call(datarec_t * d);
- find_call()
- {
- int err;
- cmdfindcall_t sam_in; /* buffer for samapi find command */
- rspdatarec_t sam_out; /* buffer for result of samapi find command */
- /*
- * make sure the resident code (SAMAPI.EXE) has been installed
- */
- if (LocateSam())
- {
- printf("*** SAMAPI not loaded\n");
- return;
- }
- /*
- * build command block and call SAMAPI, function SamFindCall
- */
- sam_in.packflags = 0; /* 0 to unpack all data record fields */
- strncpy(sam_in.call, port->fld[1], 6);
- sam_in.call[6] = 0;
- if(s_flag & s_dv) begin_lock();
- err = CallSam(SamFindCall, &sam_in, &sam_out);
- if (s_flag & s_dv) end_lock();
- /*
- * check for unusual error, something other than not found
- */
- if (err != 0 and err != SerrNotFound)
- {
- sprintf(port->line, "*** SAMAPI error %d\n", err);
- outstr(port->line);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * check for just not found
- */
- if (err is SerrNotFound)
- {
- outstr("*** Call not found\n");
- return;
- }
- /*
- * got a match, display the call data
- */
- display_call(&sam_out.d);
- log('U', 'C', 'B', port->fld[1]);
- return;
- }
- /********************************************************
- * display_call
- *
- * input is pointer to data record, returns nothing
- ********************************************************/
- void display_call(datarec_t * d)
- {
- sprintf(port->line, "%s ", d->FirstName);
- outstr(port->line);
- if (d->MidInitial[0] != ' ')
- {
- sprintf(port->line, "%s ", d->MidInitial);
- outstr(port->line);
- }
- sprintf(port->line, "%s %s %s\n", d->LastName, d->Call, d->Class);
- outstr(port->line);
- sprintf(port->line, "%s (%s)\n", d->Address, d->Dob);
- outstr(port->line);
- sprintf(port->line,"%s, %s %s\n", d->City, d->State, d->Zip);
- outstr(port->line);
- }
- #endif